April 30th, 2009Today I went to find the boulders at Km 4. It turns out that they´re closer to Km 4.4 than Km 4, but the entrance to the waterfront is at Km 4, for those who would like to find this boulder!
I only had about 40 minutes to climb before hitchhiking to work, but was able to log a few new problems! Above and below are two videos that I shot quickly! More videos pending, including from a hopeful trip to Frey tomorrow for my day off!
Bulderes Km 4
Posted by Unknown at 12:02 PM 3 comments
Km 1 and Virgen de las Nieves
April 27, 2009Another day at Km 1 Boulders! New problems, including a new project!
Nicolas Server, trying out the new boulder problem at the Km 1 Boulders!
April 28, 2009Shimmi, the quick-learner, belaying me!
Shimmi lowering off of her third route of the day!
Posted by Unknown at 2:10 PM 4 comments
Bulderes KM 1
April 26, 2009
KM 1 BouldersAfter trying my hand on my 7c (5.12d) projects at Pared Blanca and showing a little improvement, I went with my friend Nico to climb some of the more feel-good boulders on the lakefront in Bariloche, at KM 1!
Nico working a cave route!
What a gorgeous, tranquil location! And maybe some new problems here! Above and below, Emi Farello working some traverse routes!
Posted by Unknown at 2:16 PM 2 comments
Salmon Asado!
April 19th, 2009Our friend, Juanjo Di Clerico, caught a 13 kilo monster called a fish.
Juanjo, caught in the act!
The rest of us feasted and partook of this delicious specimen in a stylish Argentinean asado!From left: Nicolas Server, Juanjo Di Clerico, Alisa Gragert, Matias Emili, Nathan Conroy
Posted by Unknown at 1:50 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009Another climbing destination in Bariloche today! After a few day trips to Ventana since the last Frey trip, I chose to head to Morenhuapi today before work! I checked off five 6´s (SEE 5.10 grade of difficulty) and one 7; it was a good day for getting-to-know Morenhuapi! I´m satisfied and tired before another day-off trip to Frey tomorrow where I hope to log a bunch of short traditional multi-pitches!
To catch you dear readers up-to-date, I´ve basically been ¨sulking¨ (SEE jumping) in my climbing mood, lately, with some trips to Cerro Ventana, home of good climbs of all grades - a good destination if you have a car for transport. One day I climbed six 6b+´s (SEE 5.10d), which felt great. Another day I warmed up on a 6b+ before climbing through the crux of a 7c (SEE 5.12d) before falling and having to lower since the fall on the overhanging wall left me swinging too far away from the wall to continue again in my tired state! Hopefully next time...it´s a great climb and I know what I have to do! So...more to come from your landescaper, n8! Keep me up-to-date, too!
Posted by Unknown at 2:14 PM 2 comments
Aguja Frey
March 15, 2009 Before and After Climbing Aguja Frey:
For my last day off I cruised up to Frey with two buddies, Nicolas and Christer.
DAY 1: At 3pm we started our first traditional multi-pitch climb up Aguja Frey, the main tower right aside the refugio. We chose, as recommended, the 90m 5+ classic, ¨Sifuentes-Weber¨. At that point we didn´t know that we would climb a 6a variation of it and turn the 5-pitch climb into 3 long pitches by somehow combining pitches 2+3, and 4+5! That´s the wonder hidden in adventurous climbs that riddle every tower in Frey!
The three of us before any climbing!
Our rock-protected tent location!
Nico and I, gearing up before our first climb.
I´m just starting off! Here we go, Sifuentes-Weber! Ready or not...here we come!
Nico, ready to belay Christer on top of Sifuentes-Weber´s pitch 1.
Nico climbing up to me, for Pitch (2+3).
General picture of myself starting up the 6a variation´s 3rd and final pitch, Christer belaying me.
Close-up of the above picture.
Myself, arriving on top of Aguja Frey. What a great feeling!
Christer nearing the top of Aguja Frey! What a climb!
Christer, successful on top of our 90m´s of Aguja Frey.
Again, Christer on Aguja Frey!
We rejoiced and snapped photos a bit on the top, just soaking in the views, the feelings, and the memory! Again, me!
Christer retreating down the backside of Aguja Frey after our epic climb!
Night-time fun with cameras! We made fantasmas of each of us and one of the three of us! A good way to celebrate our first three-person trad. multipitch in Frey!
March 16, 2009 DAY 2: Since I had to work at 4pm back in town, we only had time for a 2-pitch climb...and that´s if we woke up early! So, we decided on the 2-pitch ¨Diedro de Jim¨, an excellent 5+ route on the right side of Aguja Frey.
Our rock-protected tent location in the early hours!
Refugio Frey casting a reflection of the sun beginning to creep over the valley´s margins.
Amazing photo by Christer of the reflection in Lago Toncek, pre-climb, Day 2!
Nico and I on the top of Pitch 1 of Diedro de Jim!
The lake was very distracting with all of its reflections!
Christer and Nico at the top of Diedro de Jim´s Pitch 1!
Panoramas with the sky are always nice! Now off for the second pitch!
I am very pleased to be on the top of this wonderful climb! I loved it! Now to rappel twice quickly and safely before hiking back to work!
Chris stoked to have made it to the top of ¨Diedro de Jim¨!
Almost touching ground again after our second multipitch in Frey and my favorite thus far!
The three friends, after our awesome day-and-a-half of climbs!
Post-climbs, post-hikes, Christer and I are walking while trying to hitchhike back to town!
Posted by Unknown at 12:39 PM 9 comments
Bariloche These Days
An otherwise familiar site is becoming rarer and rarer with the onslaught of winter. Apparently the lines drawn in the sand signifying the season that normally comes between summer and winter have been washed away - by wet snowflakes. There are still climbing days but they are different. I climb with cold fingers. I belay with a jacket or two, and the mountains look on with a jacket, too.Photo courtesy of Josue Casillas.
In the coming days winter will likely strengthen, eliminating climbing trips to Frey where it will be colder, snowier, and icier than here. However, there were hopefully be a bunch of trips to new climbing places nearby such as Valle Encantado and Lago Puelo near El Bolson. Stay tuned!
Posted by Unknown at 12:40 PM 2 comments