It is not what you think it is. At least this type of glory. Surviving. Staying alive. Finding your way down a forest that is vertical in many parts, requiring fixing ropes and putting knots in it every meter or so to hold onto when the clouds put the rain in rainforest. That doesn't sound like glory. And maybe it isn't. Maybe it's just the path there. And let me tell you:
I'm loving every moment of it!
Dad and I are well. The path to El Monstruo could be much better. Rather, it will be much better. Right now its best attributes are that it is well-marked and breathtaking for its vistas and exposure and grandiose nature. The rest of it, though, I must say I do not recommend for hikers or passersby. But we'll get there yet! You can drink mate anywhere!The short of our story thus far is this: we made it to the base of El Monstruo. We haven't been able to climb, thanks to a 4+ day streak of rain that hit us upon our arrival there, much to our dismay. Keep in mind, we have no weather forecast, being so remote and all. So every morning we awake thinking it might clear up, only to be bogged down by another pee break in the rain. This is the life, believe you me!
Get jealous everyone! But really, this couldn't be more special and magical for me. Quality time with my dad in the place that I love.OK. I'm gonna add a few pictures for a better sense of this whole hot mess. The best ones I'm gonna save for a coffee table book, though. Please don't send me angry e-mails, just jokes in other languages - I love those, and besides sugar, they are the most useful thing to a traveler like myself.
Lots of love from this landescaper,
Glory Bathing
Posted by Unknown at 6:38 AM 3 comments
Puerto Varas
Despues de hacer unos tramites, *Ahem! After doing a few necessary errands in Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt, my father and I are repacked and ready to go to Cochamo early tomorrow morning! Let the trekking and adventure begin!
A quick and accurate debriefing of our activities thus far has been losing a bag, reclaiming it (which is to say, the aeropuertos found it and sent it to the direccion we left with them), and repacking all of our bags. Repacking was necessary for numerous reasons. One: the airports only allow a bag to reach 50 pounds. Since we have since purchased more gear and food locally, it is necessary to fit more. Two: nothing we packed was put in dry bags. We´re going into the rainforest and need to repack all clothing, food, and other weather-weary items into dry bags before placing them into our packs. And last but not least: organization. We have packed our bags such that likes are with likes. We have a bag for camping, clothing, and two for climbing. Then we have our day packs.
OK. That was supposed to be brief.
I can´t tell you all how I excited I am except to say that I can´t tell you. It´s a secret. Was.
Lots of love from this landescaper. I hope you all are having your own adventures and passing on the good vibes! Life down here is already sunny!
ox, -8n
sp, photos to come!
Posted by Unknown at 4:58 PM 0 comments