Father Decides to Board Flight on His Birthday. What he Did Next Will Surprise You!
Posted by Unknown at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Bugaboos, Banff, Roger's Pass: Avoiding Grizzly Bears and Crevasses
8:45 depart camp
8:55 Kain hut
9:25 base of lower snow patch after talus detour

9:30 transition to axes and crampons

10:00 level with snow patch
10:30 base of Pidgeon
10:53 end of snow

11:00 transition back to climb and snack and hydrate

11:10 start up climb!

11:40 up

11:45 done with photos; heading down!

12:00 would be down but dropped camera; took me 45 minutes to try getting it out of a tight fit then I had to scramble down, get my ice ax, and come back to reach it!

12:44 putting on pants and harness to traverse and descend to Snowpatch for the Snowpatch-Pidgeon raps; went with shoes only, to glissade faster
1:12 at rappels

1:15 rapping!

1:30 after third rappel join two teams of two (Aaron and Steve father-son duo from CO and Mexican and Spaniard), which slowed me down but was nice socially. If you can make them out, there are three people descending the glacier on the snow ridge line, south of Pidgeon Spire in the photo below.

2:45 back at camp (6 hrs camp to camp); rain starting now.
5:50 dehydrated after awaking from nap; rain stopped; hydrating
6:45 listening to music.

7:08 weighing options. I know I'd like to return to climb Beckey-Chouinard, etc. I don't know how much I'll accomplish alone (Read: this trip). Perhaps the Kain Route. With the col unstable, everything takes longer; with no partner and bad weather, not much else can be climbed. Better perhaps to check out Banff. I do want to climb Kain. That's still possible Monday after climbing back up Sunday.

10:30 done socializing and sharing/pawning off carrots so I won't have to carry them down! Looks like mass exodus tomorrow. Bunch are headed to Golden for wifi and river house pub. There is a hot spring near the town I forget the name of now [Editor's Note: Radium], but I believe it begins with an r and has two words. Banff should be cool. Maybe I can swing through there.

P.S. Dude who helped me left car at 9am and was back at Kain Hut at 1 pm. He wanted to do Mt. Robinson. Need to look that up.

Rain since I've been back at camp; it's 4:40 now. Followed tracks today that looked like Wolverine had been dragging his knuckles. The system was good; I could've a) left rope behind and b) hiked around instead - would've been quicker anyhow and lighter to boot. Still went pretty quickly. Tent bound on vacation! Required rest! Still really happy that I started 5 hours after everyone and got back first. I guess that's the experience toll.
P.S. The entire trip thus far I've had "girl let me love you! And I will love you, until you learn...to love yourself [repeat]" playing in my head over and over!
940 leave lot fast
1040 Kain hut don't stop
11:03 lace up crampons (Snowpatch) keep going; pass three montana folks from alaska now! jogging with crampons is awesome!

1215 Pidgeon behind go
1245 base of bugaboo cram food bam

100 hydrated packed for ascent push legs

207 high point; crowd descending; don't want to climb past soloing. Nor do I want to rap behind. Turning back.

305 down at base of bugaboo water stream; crampons water and march!!! running on glacier

In the last picture, there should be three people descending the glacier roped up.
504 down!!!!
510 on road - drive 50k of dirt: go!
618 off dirt road! Wowed!
715 have pizza from Radium and beginning drive to Seattle! Rams think they're people in Radium and try to use to the crosswalk, much to the chagrin of citizens in cars.

Posted by Unknown at 3:37 PM 2 comments
Top 10 apps that either do not exist or cannot exist.
1. Real Angry Birds - finds and tracks birds near you that are angry or hungry. Looking for a duck to feed? Afraid of birds attacking you or your puppy? Enter in your location of interest before arriving or use GPS tracking to see any birds near you.
2. Spock - Get unemotional advice for any conundrum. Stuck in traffic? Spock finds your way out. Can't figure your way out of a maze? Upload a photo of the maze and get directions. Spock settles settling disputes, international affairs, legal standstills, and offers marriage counseling, couch not provided.
3. Opside - Request special ops' independent contract assistance for an array of untraceable tasks. Contractors seek and bid on tasks from categories of Health Care, Technology & Data, and Research & Development. Select your ops agent based on bid, time estimate, and previous history.
4. BabyFood - A diet plan for pregnant women. Track calories by synchronizing with growth rate. Receive recipes and food items containing the nutrients not yet consumed.
Also, for an upgrade, click on touch screen every time the baby kicks and BabyFood Plus will suggest songs with a correlating beat to harmonize and sooth you and your baby.
5. ButtBlocker - Block butt dials, butt texts, pocket instagrams, pocket stock trading, and butt app deleting with ButtBlocker. ButtBlocker will ask permission before carrying out any tasks you select if it senses a temperature and non-lateral pressure increase from being in your pocket and being sat on. Also available is BagBlocker, an app easily turned on and off when stowing your phone.
6. Appster - send and receive apps with other users.
7. DMVideo - Watch and share videos from Department of Motor Vehicles. Search by zip code, watch most watched videos, and check to see if there is a huge line at your local DMV or the latest freakout.
8. HatTrick - your hat sharing tool of choice. Leave a hat and store the coordinates in HatTrick with a photo and/or description of the hat. Anyone interested can hunt for the geo cache and keep the hat. Users are rated up to five stars by quality of hats dropped, and also a plus/minus (e.g. +7/-1) for hats scored versus dropped. Happy hat hunting!
9. OutletMe - find an outlet nearest you. A simple, quick, and easy way to find an outlet nearest you. OutletMe searches a user-submitted augmented database of outlets to find the easiest access for your needs.
10. GrowUp - Career decision tool for kids and young adults alike from elementary students to undecided majors. Have you been Asked what you want to be when you grow up and not known how to answer? Use GrowUp! Simply fill out the easy questionnaire involving previous work history, hobbies, and education, and GrowUp provides you with your calculated careers ranked by probability. GrowUp will also recommend alternatives based on what other users with similar careers got for answers.
Posted by Unknown at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Another night slips away. When you spend most of your nights alone, be they under star-filled skies surrounded by silhouetted mountains, or be they under pulsing lines of electricity on the second floor of a third-rate hotel in a first world country, I can't help but view my time with friends and family as increasingly precious. Some activity hobbyists consider themselves weekend warriors, working during the week days (as if Saturday and Sunday don't comprise two of the seven days of the week, which simple computation shows to be 28.5 percent) to perform physically on the weekends. The schedule to which I have conformed these last few years is an expanded view of this. What if, instead of holding out for weekends, you were to hold out for a season of 3 or 4 out of 12 months? How long can you hold your breathe while diving deeper into work? These prolonged dives from one extreme to the other are becoming harder to share, and harder to explain. Most importantly, they make it harder to relate to people and vice versa.
This blog started as a way to share the experiences of a trip after college to South America. I'm posed to turn 30. Many of my childhood friends and sweethearts are married. This past year, two new friends of mine left this world, turned back into stardust, to rest on a shoulder as a butterfly or twinkle in the lonely night sky on some forlorn summit I work all year to gain. I thought by now I'd have it all figured out. Some theory proven. Some gal found. Some cause I could connect with that I'd have taken by the horns, therein fulfilling the college tagline, "Think one person can change the world? So do we." I was in such a rush. But all these explosive moments give me pause. What's the rush?
Mortality. If you love someone, you should tell them. If someone makes you happy, you should tell them. The corollary is usually more sticky and I've found difficulty with it, even with all the training in dealing with conflict as a middle child. In my experience, it's easier to solve other people's problems or approach them with an an aire of objectivity. But I digress.
I guess all I have to say is still a Frank Ocean quotation: Thinkin Bout you. I hope all my friends and family are safe out there and are finding the balance in life that they seek. Though our paths do oft diverge, they are not divergent.
Posted by Unknown at 9:08 PM 4 comments
A portrait of a slice of Maine.
Truly opposing teams wear the same colors.
Our origin.
Print leaves the building.
A fence of flowers.
Baked silhouette, silhouette roll, silhouette stew, silhouette chowder, silhouette mac'n'cheese - all fine Maine delicacies.
For more photos, please visit http://www.tumblr.com/blog/twelvesquare ! Thanks & Check back for more to come!
Posted by Unknown at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Cultural Differences: U.S. versus Andes Mountains
Before even leaving Chile, English was thrust upon me thanks to my Caucasian complexion. This time I gave in and humored my language captors by responding in like terms. Oh to be back in the land of English.
And service. What struck me already, my first brunch back was the heightened status of service and low-wage jobs in North America. That is to say, the expectations of low-income workers are higher here, as are their benefits. We really have it pretty good. My water and coffee were refilled laboriously, practically while drinking! I'm even asked how I'm doing and at least one-way introductions are communicated. This much has been gained by crossing hemispheres.
But what has been lost? Nature, tranquility, and awareness. Nature seems like a distant land or something you may opt for as a reward during a brief recess. A lot of kids age 5 - 85 still choose to stay inside instead of frolic in nature during their break from obligations, paid or not. Whereas, just a few days ago in Argentina and Chile, it was a strange occasion to take a reprieve from the mountains for a resupply of "civilization" and its treats.
Tranquility, too, seems like a concept belonging in poems about serene and secluded lakes rather than, say, the most frequently uttered word in Argentina, "tranki". Back at my original home state of Maine, "Vacationland" as it were, I already see people rushing around. Boston's even worse. Taking the time to be late for things is absurdism condemnable as rude. You can be HAraNGuED for that. I already have been. I own no watch. And my mind is still in the mountains.
My awareness is altered, too. I admit regrettably that I have become a zombie. I was bitten by my cell phone and can't shake the horse-blinder hypnosis of checking apps every 3 seconds even while walking into things. Many others also suffer from this widely recognized disease. Rather than just going to events and living them, we are sharing and observing them through a non-corporeal device. I quite miss being without a phone and auto-updating device. Soaking in the morning dew and the view of the mountains and clouds. Waking up according to my will, or that of the dreams I'd had that night. I also wake up now thinking of what I have to do, wondering if I'm late or if I smell "good enough". This in contrast to thinking of what I'd love to do, wondering if anyone else I'm camping with is up yet, too, to share mate with.
But now, as I strap on my shoes to go for a run on a road on an island, I finish drinking my mate all alone (it is strong custom in Argentina & Chile to share mate) and reflect on some more differences. And how I shall either adapt to or rebel the newly proposed daily rituals.
More to come on running and events from this past season in Cochamó, Chile and Argentina.Posted by Unknown at 3:33 PM 3 comments