Numero Uno

I have just created this blog and am now, as it feels almost prematurely so, entering the first post without Alisa, who is fast - or slow - asleep. I hope she will be excited about this concoction and happy with the creative choices I made. If you are reading this blog and there is only this post, then you are reading it before design changes occur. Stay tuned! Otherwise, I hope you like the design! Let us know what you think!

Let's get to the point, shall we? (Yes, we shall.) This blog is mostly for entering our goings-on during our trip - our second trip, rather - across the United States and onwards through much of South America, all the way down - following Ptolemy - to Chilean Patagonia. We don't yet know what town we will end up in there. Perhaps Bariloche? No, that's in Argentina! Who knows? Not I - not yet! Since I've spoken with Alisa regarding a blog dedicated just as this is, I can say that we are both excited to e) all of the above, where a through d includes the following: travel, visit those whom we love, climb, and share the non-visiting parts of our journey with all of you!

With that said, we still have much to do before we embark with our First Leg. Oops, first leg. Four instances: Sell stuff we're not bringing, pack what we are, semi-plan our map, have more fun with Seattle folks! I think I'll have another root beer float and then head to bed since we both have to work tomorrow. Wait, work? Only 'til July 1st. That's right. We've both told our superiors at work, and our coworkers that we'll be leaving on the 1st. In fact, we plan to be in Oregon by nightfall on said date! It's too late. I wish everyone a good night and a root beer float! Me first!

-Your Landescaper, N8