Sunday Rollerbloody Sunday!

We donned rollerblades and blitzed passed our fair share of families on bikes. The fun came when the first person we passed would, with more than a hint of surprise call out, "Bikers! Oh, not bikers -- rollerbladers! Fast rollerbladers!" in a warning to the family members on bikes ahead!

Needless to say, we rollerbladed our hearts out for two hours straight along the canal! Now for some brie and crackers and some relax time! Here's the view of the day: dust from dad's blades!

I also played the Bedouin Soundclash songs and Mason Jennings songs that dad's been missing out on!

Before I leave the country in three (3) days, leave a comment! Tell me what bands I've been missing out on!

"Thanks in advance to advance" says your landescaper, n8


Anonymous said...

Don't leave us!

As far as the bands, I'm not one to know the unknown, or even the little known. But, I finally got my hands on the Zeppelin collection, so I am quite excited. Now all i need is a 14 hour bus ride to listen to it all! Too late!!!

Unknown said...

I'm not leaving "us", I'm leaving the US! :)

I'm glad you got Zeppelin! There's a lot of it! And it takes about three awesome drummers to recreate what one awesome Zeppelin drummer did!

However, I have a lot of Zep... any other bands? Bueler...? Bueler...?

Unknown said...

Jon says Okkervil River - Stagenames or Black Sheep Boy albums! Fleet Foxes too (check out song number 2 on the Fleet Foxes album).

hooray for looney toons!

Unknown said...

Whoa!@$@(*&$ Sweet! I haven't heard of any of this hullaballoo!! I will look into it and know it a priori as-ap!

Thanks you two! Also: Be on the lookout for a funny sweetheart of a guy named Emile Bokaer. I may steer him your way; he just moved to San Fran and is awesome; you should meet me thinks...! Now to hunt down music!

Unknown said...

Whoa. Their lyrics have flow. Serious flow. Better than a lot of streams, actually. Maybe any stream. That I've seen.

-Stage Names.

I need to check the other albums. If anyone's reading this comment -- you, too should research the music of Okkervil River. Austin, Texas spit a good one.

Thanks N-ick and J-on -NJC.

Unknown said...

Fleet Foxes is a separate band - awesomeness. Two Gallants too. umm. Feist ...
heehee all Jon's music!

Unknown said...

I do enjoy Feist! Thanks! (they were on Leno? recently!) I'll look into the others -- you two are plane-savers! I love to have music while I think.