Thursday, November 6th, 2008
Day 130 on The Big Trip. “First Taste”
OF PATAGONIA, that is! We’ve made it to Bariloche, the wonderful lakeside city protected by snow-topped mountains whose full name is San Carlos de Bariloche. After yet another long bus ride with yet another set of declined offerings of Styrofoam cups and still more airplane meal shadows, it’s great to see the scene that I’ve dreamed of. It’s Argentinian Patagonia and it’s sprawling views. It’s like a nude beach on the moon: untouched and unheard of.THE WATERS of the lakes here range anywhere from a turtle’s turquoise tongue to a blue-footed booby’s big webbed toe. Stretch that out and plaster varied increasingly hazy layers of jagged mountain tops around it. Our hostel, 1004, stands on the 10th floor of Bariloche and gives us a smashing view of the city both by day and by night, as if the view from anywhere in town isn’t enough. Walking down the street blocks to explore the town or to go to the grocery store you can’t help but notice that windows of this very view are available when you look waterwards from any street corner. The water breeze is refreshing as well. The inserted travel tip for this paragraph is as follows: if you’re heading into a touristy town reserve a hostel at least a day in advance of your arrival. If you arrive and find a better hostel with available rooms, so be it. But if you don’t reserve a room finding a hostel can be a drag on your would-be good times!
BARILOCHE thus far feels like Tulleride cleaned up with more activities to offer. The streets are comfortable to walk down, the shops flashy-nice, the chocolate shops inviting, and the views from within the city low-evelation breath-taking! Tomorrow we plan to do some hiking and potentially some climbing as well to see how Bariloche stands up to other places we’ve been to, and to our future visit of Valle Cochamó and Cochamó, Chile!
Friday, November 7th, 2008
Day 131 on The Big Trip. “Wind and Water”
TREKKING isn’t interesting unless there is something unusual about it. In this case, upon arriving atop Cerro Otto, the wind nearly picked us up off of the ground. In order to prevent this from occurring we were forced to lift our feet a maximum of a few inches above the ground, lest they be wipped up. My mind and senses compare it to being taken by an undercurrent in the ocean!
DESCENDING is simple, save for the fact that I find some rocks with bolts. Of course I brought my climbing shoes for this hike, so I strap them on. This sounds easier than it was for the simple fact that after five seconds of exposure to the air my fingers were just things stuck onto the palm of my hand that I could look at but had little control over. As such, my solo-ing was short-lived. I’d go up a bit but for lack of feeling in my hands I didn’t want to push my luck!BACK TO the hostel, we eat big meals that we make for ourselves. It would be nice to eat out. But it would also be expensive to eat out. Drats! At least we have a really nice kitchen to cook in! Drats again! It looks like the rain is coming down hard. Our once gorgeous views are now washed away by cold smokeyness. This, in combination with a three-day forecast that calls for more of the same prompt us to look elsewhere in Patagonia. We have a decent taste of Bariloche for now. And we can always hop back over the border when we want more!
ELSEWHERE is in Chilean Patagonia. We buy bus tickets for 7:30 in the morning to Puerto Montt, Chile. Instead of staying in Puerto Montt, we plan to stay in Puerto Varas, the nicer town that is only a short colectivo ride away. From there, Cochamó will definitely be within striking distance, but we wish to chill in a larger town to let the bad weather pass before going into the valley!
AS A NOTE to the students in English Composition 04 at Saint Mary's College in California, I welcome any and all questions you might have. Be they in regards to the wonderful wine country of Mendoza, Argentina, or the magnificently strong Cordillera de los Andes, which stand beside me now, in Region X of Chile. You may expect a similar but more direct note coming your way in an upcoming Vlog entry!
TO FRIENDS and family alike who are planning to visit, I will soon be in Cochamó since it is a mere two (2) hours away from where I sit now. I foresee this place working out for me and so it is that I invite you to communicate with me as soon as you think you might be visiting so we can coordinate climates and timezones!
GOODBYE for now, your landescaper, n8!
Posted by Unknown at 10:34 AM
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Hey Nate Man ...
Congratulations on making it there!!!! It looks astoundingly beautiful. Warm hat weather too. Jon and I got Dad's ("D/M, M/T") letter. We really want to come and are trying to figure out how to swing the dates and get back to Denver too. Dad warned us that we have to use only the ingredients we find down there (something about cook-off cheating and problems at customs)!
love ya, congrats again, can't wait to see ya!
N8, it seems you can't go wrong anywhere in Patagonia (Argentinian or Chilean). Breathtakingly beautiful, world class climbing, grocery stores - what's not to like. Keeks, you can pick whatever dates work 4 u 2, whether a subset of dates I listed, an overlap, or totally separate.
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