I am working the crux of my project! (See bottom of post for more shots!)
May 29, 2009
My projects are kicking my butt!! I need to finish one of them! We went to Ventana yesterday for my day off and hung out, chilled, ate crackers and cookies, took photos, and I tried my 7c (5.12d) project there. Alisa and Pablo did some lead climbing so I snapped some photos of them!Alisa at the top of her lead-climb, with Pablo belaying below. Go Alisa!
Alisa climbing and enjoying herself (can you see her laughing?!).
Pablo panorama! Lago Guiterrez is so nice and green-blue!
Pablo panorama! This time with Alisa in it, too!
In the crux.
Coming off the crux. Dang.
Off the crux. OooO! Nice view! Next time, Demoliendo Teles (name of the route)!
Ventana Proyecto
Posted by Unknown at 11:29 AM
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That last picture is beautiful and AWE INSPIRING
Fabulous. I love ur office. Have u successfully navigated this crux? Miss catching u on im. lulda, D
Hey Kevvie!!! How's it going?!
I'm curious!
Also: You said the last picture was awe inspiring and I'd like to know what you did once you were inspired with awe! Pictures or words will suffice as proof of response!!! big hugs!
Hey Dad! I did the crux my first try. I made it to the huge hold a lunge above the tedious crux section, but was too tired and couldn't clip the bolt to my right with my left hand!!! So I fell and haven't made it there since! Apparently it's easy there out! I just need to make it through the crux with a bit left in me and it should be cake!! Sent you an email re: why no IMs lately. I'm bummed too and trying to resolve this! Lulds!
hey N8! im juani, we went climbing today to colonia granito, i've been looking your blog and its awesome! congratulations for the pics, they are very good, and they reflect quite well the beautiful landscape we have here in the Patagonia!
Well, when you can please send me the photos that im anxious to see me climbing jeje
PS: i've taken this foto to put it in my wallpaper, the credits are all yours! wonderful, and forgive me for my poor english jej
Hola Juani! Como estas?! Gracias por tu mensaje! Estoy curioso: cual foto te gusta mas y sacasta para tu escritorio?!
Voy a mandarte tus fotos en unas dias; por ahora hay fotos tuyos!
Bien hecho, otra vez!
Nos vemos, amigo!
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