As I write this, it is Thursday, September 24th, and we are already into climbing season. I have climbed the last 5 out of 5 days! Alisa isn't far behind, joining me on 4 of the occasions, and that's with her busy work schedule to boot! The weather now is cool but sunny, and in many of the climbing locations the wind adds an extra crisp chill which requires a pullover but gives your hands a nice reprieve from sweat, unlike in the summertime! So, we've been taking advantage of the weather! We've also been making new friends and hanging out with old ones, which I especially enjoy!Here I am, lowering off of a "rest day" or easy climbing day at Piedras Blancas, or Cerro Otto, where Alisa and I managed a two-pitch and then a final single pitch for the morning climbing day!
Above, here's Alisa smiling on the first day of this climbing rampage, on top of Casa de Dani, as in Daniel Seeliger's home/outdoor climbing wall! We went with Juanjo and Nicocinero!
Here I am enjoying one of the awesome 6's (or 5.10 through 5.11's) that we did on our second day of climbing, which took place in the old section of Valle Encantado, a truly amazing place on this earth, and surely one of my favorites in the Bariloche area. It was great to be able to share it with the new friends of Marcus and Sarin - I hope I'm spelling your name right!
The last two days I've gone consecutively to Cerro Ventana, in particular the sector called La Visera, where my project stands. Come to find out, I have two new friends, a rambunctious pair named Claudio and Machi, who are both trying the 7c right next to mine. So, combined with my friend Lucas and myself, there are now a bunch of us to share our motivation on these hard, legendary routes on the overhanging upper sector in Cerro Ventana! Here's two pictures of Lucas trying "Forza Mandinga"! Stay tuned for soon-to-come sends and perhaps even a fun video!!!...I hope!
Also, to give you a brief preview of the future, which is of course subject to change, I plan to have an asado on Friday, and climb some trad. multi-pitch in Frey Saturday through Monday! Then I will look to finish up my 7c and head back to Frey as soon as possible to keep logging kilometers of climbing before my 4-month trip to Cochamó! Wahooo! Salu2 a todos del sur!
Climbing Season
Posted by Unknown at 10:42 PM
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Jealous! .
I know, I know...but this is the cost I have to pay for wanting to become guiding certified, which is really just a small bubble in the global scheme of just wanting to become good at this stuff!!! By good I mean better. Crap, this will never end, will it?! What´s up Manaka?! Make me jealous! or celoso!
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