Call it

being inspired, being in-spiration. Life's too short, to just write about climbing alone. For really, what's great about climbing is not just the act of one person approaching their goals and confronting their fears with their guts being wrenched and gritstone-ing their teeth. Nope. It's about more than that, like sharing your time with someone else. Making them laugh when they're about to fall, and giving them 2/3 the energy bar you brought for the day. Then harassing them for accepting it. Friendships are born of this comrade ship that brings you ever upward, that is, until you crash down to the belay, swamp of crashpads, or water.

I rediscovered an old journal I kept that I filled with what I considered to be jokes and riddles, some answered and many incomplete, but still intriguing. I hope to mix this in with the history-book-keeping of this blog to make it more anecdotal than mere journal.

So, last week I went to meet my soon to rebirth-day friend Wes in N. Conway, and we climbed 6 pitches in one day and had many good laughs, like him waiting for me to respond to him saying nothing, and trying to simul-climb for his never simuled self's sake only to find out that the normal two-pitches could be done in one smooth pitch with a 65-meter rope---easily! We also climbed a 5.9+, where the '+' meant business. It was great fun.

They say hindsight's 20-20. Those with Alzheimers and old-age say it's 50-50.

If you ever get in a situation where you think you might get mugged, spin around and around. You may not be streetwise, but at least you'll be clockwise. And that's a good defense, too.

A bunch of people got together to make the definition of gathering.

Addendum sounds like the dyslexic secretary took shorthand minutes for "add some at the end".

"Give me a minute" is a great demand for secretaries and deities.

If there really was an extra hour every day, our analog clocks would likely go to 25 and be divided into 5 bold sections of 5 hours rather than half a day at 12 1/2 hours with a.m. and p.m. because we like time to be neat, even if our use of it is messy. Even more likely still, digital would grow in popularity.

More to come!