Triathalon Tryout

I'm trying out this new thing called Triathalon. I've signed, sealed and am waiting to deliver my fate to myself. That is, I've registered for the Pirate Tri, scheduled to take place on June 12th, 2011.

I have been neglecting this blog, it's true. First and foremost I've been pouring myself during hours and after hours into my jobs at Trader Joe's and L.L.Bean in the hopes of making both places better and myself at both places better.

Secondly, I have begun a new cross-training for climbing: triathalons and triathalon-training! As much as possible I go biking and immediately follow that by running. And, if time before work and/or errands allows, I follow that by climbing. This sort of corporeal punishment is just what I want. My mind fights me on this, but I tell it to buck up and buckle up.

So if I don't post again until June 12th you know why. Meantime, happy activities to everyone! Please send me comments with favorite wines, dinner dishes, training scenarios, iphone apps, nicknames, vacation destinations, quotations, unknown artists, blogs, or whatever you're inspired by at the moment!

Cheers to all!

-Your landescaper, n8