Pirate Triathlon!

On June 12th, 2011, over 450 humans readied themselves for battle. I was one of few without a wetsuit, and nervously convinced myself that the water I was toes away from would feel balmy, and my quick transition into the bike portion would make up for any chill induced by the swim.

But there is much to tell and much to learn from the events and the competition. Suffice it to say that I have found yet another activity or group thereof that has captured my zealous attention! I somewhat unexpectedly placed 2nd in my age bracket in the Pirate triathlon, much in spite of a horrendous swimming performance. This has led me to a) research YMCA membership with pool access details and b) sign up for the Lobsterman Tri in Freeport on September 10th!

Stay tuned for pictures, more stories, do's and do not's, and more!