Father Decides to Board Flight on His Birthday. What he Did Next Will Surprise You!

Dad's birthday, he decides to tick off another item on the checklist.  This item begins 14,000 feet up, where the air is colder, and there's much less oxygen in it.  Where planes' doors roll up and there are just benches in the plane.

At 9 grande feet up, goggles are adorned and the broccoli fields start turning into patchwork blankets.  You begin to realize you will have the fastest landing of your life, making you henceforth rethink being impatient to land a plane.

Next time you feel scared, are you yelling?  Because that's what you do when you are so scared you wonder if you won't make it out of this Houdini predicament you put yourself in.  Someone just hit you in the gut - Mother Nature.

Being disoriented in all three x-, y-, and z-axis is the full confusion tour.

Once you right yourself, it's easy to bring back memories of being a dog in a car, waving your hands out the window in an ocean-wave-formation.

If you can't see where your going are you really going there?  For a moment I thought I was still crouching on the freezer in a game of hide-and-seek 19 years ago in a pond side cottage in the woods.

Practicing dance moves is more interesting with your feet off the ground.  With your feet about 6,000 feet off the ground.  After mountains, this view is no longer quite so intimidating.  In truth, it becomes inviting.  Most candles I blow out from now on, I think I'll ask to be a bird.  Or maybe a pet dog of a mountaineering, skydiving human who can't bare to leave me behind.

Though dad beat me down the sky this time, I'm still holding out for best of 3!

On the ground, the psyche and rush are still going strong.  Who knew it'd be as easy as scaring yourself for 3 seconds and just committing?  It all begins with an idea - unless you are Bertrand Russell, in which case it's all only ideas.  In any case, having the the strength to hold on to the inspiration of the original idea long enough to see it through truly pays off!

Happy Birthday, Dad!  Many happy returns to the sky!