Refugio Lopez

Sebastian from Germany with bicycle met Nathan from the U.S. with sandals and started running and biking from Colonia Suiza´s entrance in Bariloche, Argentina, to the 4x4 road´s start and all the way up to Refugio Lopez. This entire trip, concluding with a dip in the frigid-at-first waters of the Seven Lakes District had to be completed prior to 4pm. In fact, much before since my work schedule in the center of the city begins at that time. Here is the account of the day abbreviated in pictures.

Sebastian near the refugio, expressing his happiness at arriving!

The refugio from behind.

Me doing a handstand through the window of the refugio.

The refugio from the front!

Stunt-time! This is a building that was maybe halfway up the trail-road.

Enjoying the water, although my blistered feet hurt walking on the rocks to enjoy the frigidness!! What a great day! And it´s not even 4pm yet! Wahoo!

More from this landescaper, n8, soon!


Ed Gragert said...

Hi N8, the lake looks crystal clear and very inviting, but I wonder about the temperature, particularly since fall is fast approaching and Bariloche is skiing territory in only a few short months!

I cannot imagine even doing the handsprings without a helmet, but much for my handspring talents.

Great to see these action photos.


Unknown said...

Hey Ed! The lake was freezing the first jump in, but felt great after a little familiarity and after the run up and down to the refugio! Plus, it cut out a shower must-have before work!

The handspring was practically took a few shots to capture!

More to come! Hopefully some good climbing shots soon from Frey! How´s NY?! Must be crowded but not too too cold, yeah?
