Huanchaco 1

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Day 87 on The Big Trip. “To the Beach”

I’m very excited to be in Huanchaco. I like it better than Chiclayo. And from what we heard and saw of Trujillo, it’s definitely the safer more relaxing alternative. It’s Oceanside. Superb dinner of filleted fish and chips. Calming. Inviting. Thank you, Peru.

Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Day 88 on The Big Trip. “On the Beach”

Daytime in Huanchaco. Breakfast on second floor of hostel. I had panqueque de azugar y limon, tostados con marmelada, y chocolate caliente con leche. Walked the town, up to a church, around the beach, around the town, along the beach, through a market, and my how the time flies. What was lunch? Oh yeah, we made eggs for lunch, I think. This town is a time-straw. It sucks up your fruit juicy time. We made a lot of soup for dinner and ate it with breads. We fail to get to bed early as planned. It’s a big day tomorrow. What’s gonna happen?!?!?!?!


Unknown said...

hey - tell alisa that video blog of her is awesome and super cute!

glad peru is treating you well! Jon and I did a triathlon yesterday morning - a short 'sprint' (- yeah right!) one. we rocked that party!

we'll bring our medals with us when we visit and you can kiss them and worship! just kidding fo sho.

have a great new week and end of September!

Unknown said...

i have been waiting for a medal worthy of worship! bring it over! i have a shrine set up already and it has pictures of you and jon anyways-- i thought they should be included in any worship! :) heehee

nice job! where was it? did you take the scenic route? will tell alisa! p.s. if you liked that vlog by her.... CHECK IT OUT NEW! HOT OFF THE V-PRESS!

more to come! in lima for one more night (maybe more, maybe no more)! then southwards in peru! way to go me! haha