Alien Landing!

It didn't occur at the space needle, but there was an alien landing last night in Seattle. Coincidentally enough, it occurred at Comet Tavern. Friends of ours from "Oberlin College" (or is it Pluto?) landed there for a concert and revelry, including a performance by none other than Capillary Action ( Lead vocals, musical direction and guitar by Jonathan "Drippy" Pfeffer, pictured here with Lauren Doodle Day and her father. Sam Krulewitch, whose brother is in one of the pictures although he himself is not, reigns over the keyboard and also vocals for the group.

We had a great time and are anxiously awaiting more catching up!

Now, back to errands and planning for a weekend trip to Squamish. Which reminds me, Drippy and Doodle are having a couple's getaway in Vancouver. If you're in a couple and haven't had a getaway recently - go! Get away! At least for 2.2 minutes!

Back to the show! More to come!

-Your landescaper, N8