Farewell mom

I wake up and mom swims in the camp lake, which is actually Woodbury Pond. We much breakfast and then split up for individual errands before meeting up in Freeport. I have to get something for my trip to Patagonia. I do. We continue on to Ninny's, where we talk and eat and talk about all things a mind considers. Then it gets dark and since I will be staying the night at camp and mom will be staying at Ninny's before heading back to Rochester, I need to leave but first say goodbye to my mom, who I will not see for a year unless she visits me in Patagonia! Go go gadget Convincer!
Mom and I retreat to Willard Beach to say goodbye. I snap a few photos.
Mom thinks I take a lot of pictures of people walking away. So here's one for her!
Mom sits on a bench that eventually we both sit on to talk. It's good to share where we both stand in life and wish each other luck! We both seem to be striking out!
One last hug for the road in the parking lot! Go kick some butt mom! And then come visit me after your first semester! Have fun in CA with NicKay! It was great seeing you and now it's time for others to see you!

"Go go gadget genius!" says your Landescaper, N8